Governing Board

The CICS organizational structure assigns the responsibility for the non-Medicaid-funded MHDS services with the CICS Governing Board. This board controls the management of the CICS MHDS system and has worked diligently to balance county representation with the overall good of the region.

The board typically meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Story County CICS office in Ames, Iowa. Meetings are also available via Zoom. 

The County Supervisor Regional Advisory Committee appoints six County Board of Supervisor representatives to serve on the Governing Board.

The Adult Regional Advisory Committee appoints one member representing individuals who utilize mental health and disability services or an actively involved relative of such an individual and one member representing adult service providers in the region.

The Children’s Regional Advisory Committee appoints one individual representing the education system, one individual who is a parent of a child who utilizes children’s behavioral health services or an actively involved relative of such children, and one individual representing children’s behavioral health services providers in the region.

The Justice Regional Advisory Committee appoints one individual representing law enforcement, and one individual representing the judicial system in the region.

The current board members are:

  • Kendra Alexander: Education System Representative
  • Dawn Rudolph: Greene County Board of Supervisor
  • Andrea Dickerson: Children’s Behavioral Health Service Provider
  • Christine Timmerman: Judicial System Representative
  • Lisa Heddens: Story County Board of Supervisor
  • John Cochrane: Webster County Board of Supervisor
  • Richard Lukensmeyer: Franklin County Board of Supervisor
  • Christa Mattly: Child Parent/Relative Representative
  • Dennis Quinn: Law Enforcement Representative
  • Ellen Rasmussen: Adult Individual/Relative Representative
  • Gary Rayhons: Hancock County Board of Supervisor
  • Julie Smith: Adult Service Provider
  • Brandon Talsma: Jasper County Board of Supervisor

Next meeting to be held March 27, 2025 at 1:30 pm.

Meeting Minutes