Education Services
There are many misperceptions out there about the needs of individuals with mental health and intellectual and other developmental disabilities. CICS strives to serve as a credible source of information about the issue and the many resources available to support individuals and strengthen communities.
Emergency Responder Education
CICS is invested in providing CIT and Mental Health First Aid training to responders in order to equip them to best serve their communities. In addition, CICS is willing to facilitate discussion between responders, providers and other components of the disability service system to create effective connections.
Provider Education
CICS can fund provider trainings in evidence based practice, Five Star Quality training, Mental Health First Aid and other trainings as necessary.
Public Education
CICS is continually reaching out to the communities it serves to better educate residents about the causes and nature of conditions and/or situations that affect a person’s ability to function in that community. Through education, we can work together to help the community appreciate the needs and value of all its members.